Get all your settings dialed in for your chosen shot, and then stick with it! Sea lions are really distracting. You may see them playing and having fun with each other, so you decide you want to do a sea lion interaction shot. So, you get all set up, maybe you pre-focus 3 ft away and put your strobes out… and then a sea lion comes up to your dome port and nibbles on it, then swims away. Well, missed opportunity. But stick to your plan. Keep the set-up for an interaction shot and keep looking for it. Because as soon as you adjust for that close-up nibbling shot, then you’ll see the interaction you were looking for… and you’ll miss it because you’re not set up for it.
To finish with, let me give you this piece of advice. With a curious and playful nature, sea lions are always more than happy to be in front of the camera. Juvenile sea lions are like big puppy dogs of the ocean and will lose interest quickly if you don’t interact with them. So, remember to take in the moment, interact with them, spin when they spin, let them play, and fire off some snaps within those moments. You can make a friend for the whole dive.