The goal behind La Cotinga is to restore land completely destroy for more than forty years by cattle raising. The forest was cut down and replace by grasslands, and the soil was compacted by cows. But now, the process of reforestation has begun. They are planting trees and restoring the tropical forests. That situation allows us not just to witness the process, and vegetation dynamics, but also analyze the changes on fauna that occur while the forest is slowly coming back.
I enjoy exploring the differences of the biodiversity of grasslands in recovery, secondary and primary forest. I focus on the smallest creatures that in general go unnoticed for most people. Insect macro-photography is my specialty. I delight is spotting and photographing the amazing diversity of arthropods, amphibians and reptiles found at Cotinga. My photography shows the awesomeness of these creatures and its ways of life.
A frog pond is near the scientist house where I live in the station. That spot is full of activity every night, specially now that the rainy season has started (May to November). You can feel immersed in the chorus of songs that males produce to find a couple. Several frog species and even more individuals give me the opportunity to experiment with my camera and flashes, to develop my creativity to create a variety of images. These different photos have visual impacts that allow me to transmit a message about the value of life generating empathy with species less consider when we talk about biodiversity.