Like wolves, the grizzly bear was perceived as a threat to European civilization and suffered intense persecution. Indeed, in the USA 150 years ago there was a government-funded bounty program aimed at eradicating the bears through shooting, poisoning and trapping. By 1935, the range of the bears in the lower 48 states had diminished to just 2 percent. Most populations in the southern end of their range went extinct and in California, even where the grizzly bear is the state flag, the animal was extinguished. The size of the population was reduced from about 50,000 to just 750 bears, restricted largely to the confines of the National Parks and wilderness areas in Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. This was just in the lower 48 states while further north in Alaska and the Yukon there is a larger and more healthy population that does not need protection. Although, as one wit noted, “saving bears for Alaska is like saving angels for heaven, you may never get there”.