How did your interest for wildlife arise?
Growing up in Malelane, a town which is no more than 10 km from the Malelane Gate entrance to the Kruger National Park, as a family we visited the park fairly often. I always loved the thrill of seeing the unexpected drama & beauty of nature. The older I got, the more I understood the intricate complexity of the bush. The more I started to see, the more in love with nature I fell and continue to fall right until this day.
How do you describe your journey as a photographer and a person?
Initially it was purely about the wildlife & the memories, however in an effort to share these memories with the wider audience, I took up photography. Very soon I realized capturing the beauty of nature can become an obsession, then it also became about the angle, the light, the frame & most importantly the moment. It was at this point I chose to study and become a Field Guide as the better I understood nature and was at harmony with it, the better I was able to share these moments photographically.