Founders Note

Editors Den

Hermis Haridas & Nisha Purushothaman

There are very few spectacles on earth like the annual great migration of Africa. The various factors at play and the sheer numbers of animals involved can be quite astonishing to the uninitiated. We consider ourselves fortunate to have witnessed this spectacle multiple times, but even now this event never ceases to cause us goosebumps. And how can you overlook the main protagonist of this epic journey, the humble Wildebeest?

More than a million Wildebeests migrate each year, braving continual hunts from predators, the murky waters of the Mara river and the lurking crocodiles. In the whole process they bring new life along the way by replenishing nutrients in the ecosystem. The migration also creates ample photographic opportunities with great chances of capturing the thundering herds, hunts, crocodile kills, baby births and more. It is a big magnet for tourists and brings much needed foreign exchange to the economies. Join us to celebrate these humble beasts of the savanna.

PawsTrails is spreading its wings around the world. This month we launched our first oversees wing – PAWS TRAILS CANADA. Canada is a huge country with amazing wildlife and abundant wild areas. Requesting everyone to follow us on our dedicated Instagram handle @pawstrailscanada. We aim to harness the power of community photography in Canada to spread the message of conservation. Proudly announcing our first event in Canada: World Wildlife Day – a wildlife photography exhibition, on the occasion of world wildlife day, 3rd March. Please follow us on Instagram to keep abreast of our different events. We cordially invite your partnership, participation, and support.

We thank all the wonderful photographers who contributed the wonderful photographs which you enjoy in the pages of this magazine. The worldwide Paws Trails community helps us to harness the power of community photography and use it as an effective tool to drive home the message of conservation and peaceful co-existence with our fellow beings. Thanks again for all the wonderful Wildebeest images, and we pray for your continued support to help us tell the tales of fabulous species from different corners of the earth.

Hermis Haridas & Nisha Purushothaman
Founders – Paws Trails Explorers
