Editor's Den

Editors Den

Raghul Patteri


There are hardly any grander sights in the natural world than a Cheetah in a full-blooded chase across the African savannah. The best-known exponents of pace in the animal world are a sight to behold and a true marvel of bio-engineering. Virtually everything in the Cheetah’s physiology is engineered to satisfy the need for speed. These marvelous creatures are known to accelerate up to 120 km/h over short sprints, making them the fastest land animal.

The ability of the Cheetah to attain astonishing speed, tremendous acceleration, and execute sharp turns during chases are essential to a successful hunt and important in ensuring the survival of the species. But is this enough? Or is the astonishing agility hiding other important factors of the Cheetah’s biology which might be threatening the very existence of these enigmatic cats?

Explore all these and other intriguing facts about the Cheetah with Dr. Peter Hudson in this edition of PT Aware.

PT Aware is our attempt to bring the latest scientific perspective on conservation issues in a short, crisp format to our readers around the world.

We aim to bring together the knowledge of the best minds in the scientific community and the splendid photography of the vast PawsTrails community, in an easy to consume online format.

Building and collaborating with a worldwide community of conservation photographers is an important objective for PawsTrails. We see community participation and awareness as the corners stones of success for conservation efforts.

Thanks again to all our contributors over the years and we sincerely hope that we have used your photographs to highlight conservation issues around the world.

Our next edition will focus on the Houbara bustard, therefore prepare to start uploading your photographs of these birds! A selection of your photographs will be chosen for publishing.


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