Editor's Den
Raghul Patteri
Welcome to a new edition of PT Aware, our publication that brings the focus on one species every edition.
The herbivores of Africa often falls down the pecking order for tourists and photographers alike. It is easy to understand why the majestic hunters and carnivores that rule this ecosystem hogs the limelight.But a closer examination of the small herbivores here can be an eye opener, that opens your eyes to their interesting life and biology. The Impala, popularly referred to as the ‘fast food’ of this area , owing to them being a favourite of the carnivores, are one such species.
In this edition, Dr. Peter Hudson brings his trained eye to examine the biology and social life of the Impala. Through his masterful rendition, you will see how interesting their social order is. The differences within the male and female social groupings itself is so different. Being slower runners, the techniques they have evolved to evade predators are intriguing. Not to forget the photographic masterpieces that adorn this article, which makes the narrative more relatable and interesting.
It has been our goal through PT Aware to bring the best minds in conservation, science and Photography together to tell powerful stories, and this edition is no exception.
Our gratitude to all the contributors who provided the beautiful images. You have helped us bring a species closer to more minds around the world.
Our next edition will be on the Black Grouse, please be ready with your images!