Editor's Den

Editors Den

Raghul Patteri


It is difficult to imagine an imposing top predator like a Grizzly bear, grazing on grass along the river shore. Yes, it is the humble sedge grass that sustains the mighty bears in Yellowstone till the arrival of their favorite food, Salmon. Spring is the time Bears emerge from hibernation and till the Salmon run starts it is a lean period for food, and the bears have to depend on other sources.

In this carefully researched article with firsthand observations, Dr. Peter Hudson explores the fascinating biology at play here. Biogeochemical cycle or the cyclic flow of nutrients in the bear country is a mastery of nature with the marine and riverine systems co-operating to ensure abundant supply of nutrients to nurture big salmons and really big bears.

Dr. Peter Hudson has spent quality time observing bears and another inspiring location he has explored is the Khutzeeymateen Provincial Park in British Colombia. This park is significant as the first to be specifically protected for Grizzly bears and also the first undisturbed estuary in this part of Canada. It is an important spring refuge for the bears.

At PT Aware we take pride in bringing you the best insights from conservation and research. We are thankful for the dedicated researchers and conservationists who toil in the hard environs to ensure a better future for our fellow beings. Our articles would be missing the punch with out the fabulous images that help to tell the story of the species that we chronicle. The global community of Paws Trails photographers never cease to amaze us with their brilliant contributions.

Our next edition will be on Lappet-faced vulture. Please be ready with your Lappet-faced vulture images.
