Founders Note

Editors Den

Hermis Haridas & Nisha Purushothaman

Welcome to the latest edition of PT Aware.

If you have ever visited the Mara, you would have indeed sighted the Hyena. But how many would have paid attention, stopped to study? We hope you did because these are truly marvelous beings. These carnivores can virtually eat and digest anything and are very resilient creatures. Once they catch your fancy, there is no amount of time that you can spend researching, photographing, or observing them.

At PT Aware, we try to bring awareness to all the different beings that inhabit this wonderful planet. The big cats and the big ungulates generally hog all the limelight, so it is important to explore and spotlight the others too. At our marvelous Mara Trails camp, we ensure to provide the full bouquet of experience of the Masai Mara and encourage our visitors to spend time with the less popular animals like the Hyena as well. Please contact us for an unforgettable mara experience.

PT Aware strives to bring you the best from both worlds, the latest scientific perspective, and mind-blowing photographs. To all our contributors and readers, a big thank you for being part of this journey.

Hermis Haridas &
Nisha Purushothaman
Founders – Paws Trails Explorers
