Founders Note

Editors Den

Hermis Haridas & Nisha Purushothaman

The black-backed Jackal – a species which even we were guilty of overlooking on our early expeditions to the Masai mara , but something which grew on us and compelled our attention in our later trips

As a photographer, when you stop looking at a place in terms of the photogenic species, and start looking at the ecosystem as a whole, that is when you start seeing the awe-inspiring biological process at play which keeps the whole system ticking.

Then you start noticing the lesser known and non-charismatic species in the area and understand the critical roles that even those beings play to keep the fine balance in nature’s magic.

Our sincere thanks to all the awesome photographers and researchers out there who has shown the will to look beyond the spectacular, and focus on the lesser-known beings, At Paws Trails, we consider ourselves lucky for the chance of working along with you to bring these species to the limelight.

Awareness is key in conservation and unfortunately the awareness is less on these lesser-known species. There is a necessity to get more stories and more images out there to get species like the black-backed jackal into the public’s imagination.

We heartily welcome you to the Mara Trails lodge in Masai mara to experience nature firsthand. The Masai mara is among the few places on earth were you still get to see nature and its various balancing acts at play. The ecology of this area is awe inspiring and there is a lot that a visitor can see and experience here that leaves a lifelong impression. There is no better place for you and your trusted camera than this mecca of wildlife.

Thanks again to our readers and contributors for being a part of this awesome journey.

Hermis Haridas & Nisha Purushothaman
Founders – Paws Trails Explorers
