Founders Note

Editors Den

Hermis Haridas & Nisha Purushothaman

Welcome to this edition of PT Aware.

It feels good to chronicle a lesser known, but yet charismatic bird species from Africa. The Secretary bird has intrigued explorers with its looks, biology, and feeding habits. For photographers it is always exciting to capture intriguing species and the Secretary bird surely makes for some amazing portraits.

Encroachment by humans and habitat destruction are major causes of species decline around the world as is the case with the Secretary bird. Everyone should pay more attention to leave a smaller footprint on our ecology. Living responsibly should be a mantra that we impart to our children and show them through our own actions. Being a little less materialistic and choosing sustainably produced products are today possible. Proper utilization of resources with minimal wastage was a virtue that our older generations had which the last two generations have largely seem to lose. It is high time we start more responsible to mother earth and our fellow beings.

Thanks to each of our photographer friends who help us spread the gospel of conservation. We eagerly await your photographs, and it is an enjoyable experience to be able to enjoy such marvelous art.
