Founders Note

Editors Den

Hermis Haridas & Nisha Purushothaman

Welcome to the last edition of PT Aware for 2021.

This year will be remembered as the time when the whole world pulled up its socks and undertook the biggest vaccination campaign in history to peg back the covid epidemic.

The results are now visible, and a good part of the world has gone back to normalcy.

At Paws Trails, we hope the world will come together in a similar fashion to compact climate change. Rogue and un-seasonal weather events are becoming a major problem in different parts of the world.

On a recent trip through the southern part of India, our editor was aghast to see unseasonal rains wreaking havoc with the harvest season. The heartbroken farmers were left helplessly staring at their harvest-ready crops now decaying in the fields. Extreme weather events are becoming more common. Rain (not snow) fell on the peak of Greenland’s ice sheet for the first time in recorded history. Searing heat waves, raging floods, prolonged droughts, all are becoming more frequent.

Decisive action is overdue, even if it needs a complete re-think on our ways of life and habits, we must be ready for the change. Change can start with an individual, so we extort all our readers to be the change. Make small changes in your life, say no to all forms of single-use plastic, re-use and recycle, be mindful of the natural resources, reduce the usage of fossil fuels – there are a lot of things that each of us can do.

If nothing else, the corona pandemic has taught us that human will can surmount great odds. Now is the time to bring that spirit for the preservation of our planet – the only home that we have!

Hermis Haridas & Nisha Purushothaman

Founders – Paws Trails Explorers
