Editor's Den

Editors Den

Raghul Patteri


So goes a famous quote whose origins are unclear -“For an actress to be a success, she must have the face of Venus, the brains of a Minerva, the grace of Terpsichore, the memory of a Macaulay, the figure of Juno, and the hide of a rhinoceros.”

The proverbial thick hide, however, was not enough for the Rhino to survive the onslaught of poachers and habitat loss. The Indian Rhino population was decimated to such an extent that only 12 were left in the Kaziranga national park ok India. The Rhinos but did display an aspect of their thick skinniness in their marvelous recovery thereafter. Read about that heart-warming story of that recovery in this edition of PT Aware.

The effort to conserve Indian Rhinos is one of the happy stories in conservation and a textbook example of the importance and necessity of translocation as a tool to replenish and sustain a healthy population. Dr.Peter Hudson takes us through the nuances of this technique and other aspects of conservation efforts in general in this fascinating article.

At PawsTrails, we continue to associate ourselves with wildlife photographers from around the globe. It is no mean feat to capture inspiring images of a
rare beast like the Indian rhino which is found hardly only in a handful of places. Hence these images are important to get the word on these fascinating beasts to the larger community. Habitat shots are effective in spreading awareness of the dependency of an animal on its habitat. Once again, we are grateful to all the wonderful people who have contributed the images that adorn the pages of this edition.

Our next edition will focus on the Dik-dik, so be ready to upload your best photos of these cute antelopes.
