Founders Note

Editors Den

Hermis Haridas & Nisha Purushothaman

Natural Legacy Preservation
Welcome to PT Explorers Magazine’s 40th issue. As we celebrate the remarkable diversity of life on Earth and the determined efforts to safeguard it, we invite you to wonder, learn, and ponder.

Natural Wonder
The natural environment shows life’s limitless ingenuity. From lush rainforests to freezing tundra’s, from the depths of the oceans to the heights of our mountains, life surrounds us and amazes and humbles us. Our amazing photographers capture the beauty and complexity of Earth’s creatures and landscapes.

Conservation in Action
This edition honors the unsung individuals who diligently protect our natural heritage. We tell the tales of people and organizations making a difference despite obstacles. Their determination shows that environmental conservation may lead to positive transformation.

Our Shared Duty
This magazine’s readers value nature. We want you to consider your involvement in conservation’s big story. Supporting conservation organizations, promoting awareness, or making sustainable lifestyle choices can help our planet.

Let us be inspired by nature’s tenacity and beauty in these difficult times. We must also realize that our choices now affect our planet’s future. We can preserve Earth’s treasures for future generations by working together.

Thank you for celebrating wildlife and conservation with us. Let’s encourage you to cherish, protect, and advocate for our amazing world.

Hermis Haridas & Nisha Purushothaman
Founders – PT Explorers
