Founders Note

Editors Den

Hermis Haridas & Nisha Purushothaman

Welcome to PT Explorers.

We owe an apology to our readers. Over the last few months, the schedule of our editions became erratic. This was caused by some serious technical difficulties that we encountered affecting our IT platform.

We are relieved that the worst is behind us, and we are set to continue with a regular cadence.

Our team from across the world strives to bring the best of conservation, photography, and travelogue stories to you. It is this distributed team that is our strength, allowing us worldwide reach, and access to species and locations far and wide.

We are committed to spreading the gospel of conservation and love for our fellow animals and will be putting more focus on getting our stories to more readers.

We thank all the contributors to this edition. It is a matter of pride for us to associate with a such wonderful and multi-faceted group of people and bring your work to readers around the world.

The best of PawsTrails is still ahead of us and we hope all of you will be our cohorts in this journey.

Let us take the pledge for a greener future!

Hermis Haridas & Nisha Purushothaman
Founders – PT Explorers
