Editor's Den

Editors Den

Hank Tyler


Volume 37 begins our seventh year of bringing you spectacular wildlife photography from around the world – puffins, penguins, elephants, lions, sloths, and marvelous fungi and mushrooms.

Our Cover Story, globetrotting nature photographer Buddhilini de Soza shows us her best photos from Africa, Brazil and Australia.

Jayanta Gula captures the road-killing of Bengal Monitor Lizards along a new section of highway in India.

Brad Allen describes the biology the Eider Duck found in the north Atlantic based on his decades of research on nesting island along the Maine coast, USA.

In our Cubs Corner section, nine year Vedanti Vibhav Chilrao from India share wildlife photos from a recent African safari.

Kambiz Cameo Pourghanad tells us about his one month “Tammie Norrie Project” photographing Atlantic Puffins around the United Kingdom, and his amazing collection of puffin photos.

Her View by Lia V. Hinostroza, a Chilean nature photographer shows us marvelous photos of fungi and their diverse shapes and color. Her sharp eye and camera captures features often missed by many naturalists and photographers.

In our Snippet section, Nachuseena, writes about his efforts to photograph the Mottled Wood Owl in India.

Nicholas Onrato, Travelogue writes about his travels to Argentina’s northern most province Misiones, a biodiversity rich region, where he captured an amazing array of wildlife photos.
