Founders Note

Editors Den

Hermis Haridas & Nisha Purushothaman

COP26 – sounds like an obscure element in the periodic table? Actually, it is the blockbuster environmental event of the year which concluded in Glasgow this November.

The UN Climate change Conference brings together the countries of the world to chart the course in our fight against climate change. The journey ahead of us is hard and long. Undoing decades worth of damage, changing set mindsets, revamping infrastructure, retooling economies – it’s a long list.

There was a lot of focus on coal post the conference this year. Coal is considered the most polluting of all fossil fuels and is the mainstay of most developing countries for power generation and there was push back in the conference from developing countries on commitments to phase out coal.

All in all, some progress made, some commitments obtained and a long way yet to go.

We sincerely request the global PawsTrails community to work with your community leaders to chart a course towards a greener future. We have to rain in emissions and work towards sustainable energy sources. Global warming and climate change are real and visible problems of our times. To save the planet, we need to side with our conscience and make the necessary compromises today to ensure that we have a place to live tomorrow.

Let us take the pledge for a greener future!
Hermis Haridas & Nisha Purushothaman
Founders – PT Explorers
