Editor's Den

Editors Den

Hank Tyler


With Volume 30, we celebrate five years of publishing PT Explorers. Over 300 authors and photographers have contributed their stories and inspirational wildlife photography. Thirty artists shared their creative experiences and their wildlife artworks. In our cover stories, we have showcased interviews with thirty outstanding wildlife photographers from around the world.

The energy and dedication of our contributors will propel us to continue to publish fascinating stories and eye-catching photos. We greatly appreciate the generosity of all our contributors, and we thank them very much. We invite you to contribute to PT Explorers. Please submit several of your best wildlife photos for inclusion in Your Gallery

This edition takes us around the world. In our cover story acclaimed Indian photographer Amartya Mukherjee talks about his experiences and experiments with wildlife, nature, and other genres of photography photography. Amartya’s philosophies and visions on life and photography have deeply influenced his work and he is a master who is able to reinvent himself over and again while still remaining true to his fundamentals.

New Zealand’s Emily Hotham writes about efforts to protect some of the rarest frogs in the world. Our South American editor, Cynthia Bandurek tells of her move to live in Costa Rica where she is enjoying macro photography in the biologically rich lowland tropical rainforests. The Species that we chronicle this time is the Black-headed Bushmaster. Roel De Plecker and Marcello Carvajal from Costa Rica tell the fascinating story of these serpents.

South African artist, Yvonne Ackerman tells us about her fascinating work as an artist onboard polar expedition ships visiting arctic waters and in the southern hemisphere visiting the exotic islands of the Falklands, South Georgia, and of course Antarctica. From the Netherlands, Kerstin de Haan has captured charming photos of Mute Swans nesting on a polder near her home.

This volume’s Her View is by Belen Etchehegaray and her spectacular photography of South America. Anay Sinha’s Cub’s Corner story shows his brilliant photos of hummingbirds in Arizona, US.

Our editorial team looks forward to discovering more exciting wildlife stories and photos to share with you in the coming years.
