Founders Note

Editors Den

Hermis Haridas & Nisha Purushothaman

Welcome to the 27th edition of PT Explorers.

The year 2021 has brought a bit of cheer to a gloomy pandemic hit world. The much-awaited vaccines have arrived, and many countries have started vaccination campaigns. A huge planning and logistical endeavour awaits many of the countries with a bigger population. Producing or procuring the vaccine and distributing to the entire world is no mean feat, and calls for co-operation between a lot of governments, corporations, and organisations.

At Paws Trails we are eagerly looking ahead to a great year, with reassurances for everyone for a healthy and safe world. In the meanwhile, we have re-started our Paws Trails expeditions on a small scale. We will be planning more of these based on the changes in circumstances. One of the things which we really regret is being forced to stop our monthly photographic exhibitions. We have tried to make amends by switching to an online format for a limited number of exhibitions, but we miss seeing people flock to the exhibition hall and watching them get awestruck at the fabulous images and the engaging conversations that follow. It is that mingling of people and images acting as conversation starters that we long to see again.

This year has also brought in some very gory news about atrocities against wildlife. It is really alarming to hear such news as an elephant being set ablaze and a leopard being hunted for meat, that too from an area like the south of India. We request the global Paws Trails community to be vigilant and co-operate in all preventive and awareness measures possible to thwart crimes against wildlife.

We sincerely thank all the authors and photographers for contributing the articles and photographs in this edition. Our congratulations to all of you for helping make this world a better place.

Hermis Haridas & Nisha Purushothaman
Founders – PT Explorers



