Founders Note

Editors Den

Hermis Haridas & Nisha Purushothaman

The beginning of the year, the human race has woken up to the threat of a contagion. A new Coronavirus identified by late 2019 in Wuhan, China has so far infected more than 9,000 people and claimed more than 200 lives.

The virus has till now spread to 26 countries, leading to panic and the World Health Organization declaring it a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Existing vaccines and treatments are believed to be ineffective in containing the virus, and the best defense seems to be isolating known cases and observing any people they might
have come in contact with.

The fear is real and many global airlines have temporarily halted flights from mainland China. International travel brings the virus to new shores and the closed confines of an airplane can be the ideal conditions for the virus to spread.

But where did the virus come from? The most likely reservoir of this virus is thought to be fruit bats. This is not the first time, a super virus like this has moved to humans from bats. This begs the question – why does this not happen all the time? The latest research suggests that in areas with extensive deforestation, as the bats starve with a shortage of food, they start to shed these viruses.

We have been lucky in the past, the 2018 Nipah outbreak in Kerala, India being an example where the virus was contained quickly in a small area. But, it is just a matter of time before one of these outbreaks grow to global proportions claiming innumerable lives, and the 2019 Corona outbreak is already in 26 countries!

So the solution is clear – Plant back all the trees and forests that have been destroyed, or else, suffer the consequences.

These are the moments when the human race looks back at there own achievements and wonder if all that was worthwhile!

Look at the Bush fires still raging across Australia. Fires are raging from June 2019 and still continue to do so. The loss of animal life is immeasurable, with some estimates pegging it at one billion dead animals. This is the worst bush fire season ever and we cannot help but look back at the impacts of climate change.

We are left with no option in the face of nature’s fury. The human race simply have to start living in harmony with nature, leaving a smaller footprint on the environment.

Paws Trails urges our readers to influence your friends, family and community leaders to advocate and promote an eco-friendly lifestyle. Please make the change before it is too late – both for the planet and for us.

Hermis Haridas & Nisha Purushothaman
Founders – PT Explorers
