Founders Note

Editors Den

Hermis Haridas & Nisha Purushothaman

PT Explorers is carrying on the tradition we started in 2018, of designating the April-May issue a women specific edition. The 8th of March was celebrated as international women’s day and it is only befitting that we use the occasion to salute the gallant lady warriors who have shown the willingness to take up the fight for mother earth. Today more and more women are entering the realms of environmental activism, conservation, animal rights and wildlife, conservation photography. We also take this opportunity to join our voice for equal rights and equal job opportunities for the fairer sex. Our experience teaches us that women in conservation and wildlife photography are easily the equal of men in the field. Hence, it is natural that they be equal in any field and as such should command equal rights, opportunities and remuneration.

Our thanks to all the ladies out there who are devoting time and effort to make the earth a better place.

Paws Trails is always on the look out for increasing our engagement with our viewers. It is our belief that the best hope for protecting mother nature is to bring people closer to nature. The way to achieve this is by promoting activities where people get out there in the outdoors and spend time in nature. It is with this primary objective that we launched our regular weekend bird photography workshops in Dubai, since February. The impact and awareness this group will make among their circle of influence through their photographs is the sweet bonus of this initiative. We have eager new joiners every week along with the regulars who turn up week after week, raising our hopes of nurturing a thriving community of nature lovers in Dubai.

#CommunityPhotography #CommunityConservation

Hermis Haridas & Nisha Purushothaman
Founders – PT Explorers
