Founders Note

Editors Den

Hermis Haridas & Nisha Purushothaman

A very happy new year to our readers around the world. This is the first PT Explorers edition of 2019 and we are excited to reach out to all of you with news from the world of conservation, photography, wildlife and ecotourism. We are eagerly looking forward to another year of touching your lives with the hope that you will bring about a change for the betterment of mother earth and all life forms on it. Let us start the year with a pledge to do our bit for nature and be the staunch supporters of conservation efforts worldwide.

At PT Explorers we renewed our pledge with a bold initiative. On New Year’s Day we launched a conservation and awareness project, our sister magazine – PT Aware. This is conceived as a short crisp publication with each issue concentrating on just one conservation issue with the latest scientific perspective. Like our PT Explorers magazine, PT Aware is available free of cost from our website. We seek your support for this new project.

Awareness and knowledge are very important when it comes to protecting mother earth. There are simple things which everyone can do for the betterment of the planet and our ecology. Say no to plastic, reduce the wastage and consumption of resources, being a few. Today we talk about terraforming other planets for making life possible outside earth. While this might be needed as a worst-case scenario back-up plan many years in the future, is it not better to focus our energies on saving what we already have!

Let us all join the cause. Let us spread the message and be the champions of conservation. It is still not too late to bring back the planet to a better state. Act now. Do your bit for the future today!

Let us hold our hands together for this journey!

Hermis Haridas & Nisha Purushothaman
Founders – PT Explorers
