Editor's Den

Editors Den

Hank Tyler


PT Explorers continues to seek out spectacular photography for its global perspective. Volume 15 brings you a wide range of in-depth articles and eye-catching photography from around the world.

The interview with English photographer Geoff Scott Simpson reveals the way one photographer has focused on his local environs and produced spectacular images that he presents through his fine art galleries. Hermis Haridas’ article on Valparai, in India is illustrated with spectacular photography from his recent visits.

From North America, Randy Cross speaks of his four decades of Black Bear observations and research in the State of Maine, and nature photographer Lisa Langell presents her photographic exploration of Tonto National Forest in the State of Arizona. From New Zealand, Imogan Warren, Manaakio Barrett and Genevieve Sparo report on the world-class Kapiti Island Nature Reserve. While in Australia Nadie DW writes about the decline of the iconic Gray-headed Flying Fox bat, and wildlife artist Kate Jenvey tells her story of being raised in Kenya and then moving to Australia where she now lives doing drawings and paintings of African and Australian wildlife subjects. She annually donates wildlife art to a conservation cause.

Mariam Al Ghafl shares her experience of wildlife photography in UAE. Young photographer Akshay Valluru tells of his experiences with wildlife in India’s National Parks, and on a safari to Kenya’s Massai Mara.

PT Explorers welcomes your contributions of outstanding photography. You may submit your best photos to our website (Register > Login > Contribute). A few of the best images will be included in the magazine’s Your Gallery section. Thank you for your support for PT Explorers.
