Editor's Den

Editors Den

Hank Tyler


Paws Trails held its first International Wildlife Festival in November in Dubai. Athira Krishnan describes this Festival that was attended by over 680 people.

Polar Bear researchers Fredrik Granath and Mellisa Schafer discuss their expeditions to the arctic island of Svalbard to study and photograph bears. Their photography is stunning.

Australian biologist Cheryl Cowell writes about the Shark Bay World Heritage Property on Australia’s west coast. This globally significant marine sanctuary supports one of two world populations of the ancient marine stromatolite populations, a “living fossil.” New Zealand conservation biologist Andrew Digby describes the heroic effort to prevent the extinction of the flightless owl – the Kakapo. For the past fifty years the Kakapo has lived on the brink of extinction. Extremely hard work by government biologists and volunteers have resulted in increasing the Kakapo’s population from a low of just 51 to their current numbers.

Argentinian wildlife artist Heidi Lots tells us about her upbringing in nature and fascination with nature. Argentinian birds are her artistic love. She adroitly used watercolors to create a distinctive style incorporating the bird’s movements in their habitats. Heidi is passionate about conservation efforts and donates some of her wildlife art to environmental causes.

Peter Hudson describes his amazing technique for night time bat photography.

Beginning in January 2019, PT Explorers will publish “PT Aware” a short publication on endangered species and habitats. January’s article will be about the threats to many primate species. We will publish “PT Aware” every other month alternating with PT Explorers.

Volume 14 begins our third year of publishing PT Explorers. We look forward to publishing a wide range of exciting conservation stories and photos in 2019.
