Editor's Den

Editors Den

Hank Tyler


We are extremely grateful and excited to share our first issue with you.

It’s a dream come true for all of us. PT Explorers (Paws Trails Explorers) began with the thoughts and wishes to become globally involved and contribute to conservation, photography and ecotourism. At PT Explorers we are birds of the same flock flying together. This online publication is the fruit of labour of a group of like-minded people. There are conservationists, artists, writers, photographers, activists and explorers from around the globe who will be involved in sharing their talents, works and efforts. Our desire is to inspire people to get involved in protecting nature and sharing their experiences and contributions. We want to strive to help restore and give back to our earth that has provided nourishment for thousands of generations.

Let us begin by planting a tree with PT Explorers. Let us start introducing magic makers in wildlife photography to our readers. PT Explorers will take you through the life of vulnerable species and their life cycle. We will walk you through less explored landscapes and special natural areas and take you through a visual journey of special places. We want to work together with you so we can improve our earth’s environment for future generations.

Paws Trails Explorers is a global online publication for sharing, caring, and getting closer to nature.

Let us hold our hands together for this journey. We look forward to your participation and support.

Thank you
