
Peter Hudson, Conservation Director, Paws Trails

Peter Hudson is a scientist, photographer and conservationist. He undertook his first scientific expedition to Africa at the age of 21 and has been a regular visitor ever since. Passionate about nature, he manages his own 36-hectare nature reserve in Pennsylvania which is home to bears, bobcats and other animals.

In his professional career, Peter is the Willaman Professor of Biology at Penn State University. The focus of his research has been the infectious diseases of wildlife and in particular how new diseases emerge. He has been running scientific studies on the wolves in Yellowstone, tortoises in the Mojave Desert and bighorn sheep in Idaho. He is currently involved in a major project in Australia investigating the viruses associated with bats.

Peter established a new global health institute at Penn State that seeks to develop the concept of One Health, whereby the future health of humans is dependent on that of the environment, livestock management and the conservation of wildlife. He is an adjunct Professor at The Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology based in Arusha, Tanzania and a Fellow of the Royal Society.