
Amartya Mukherjee

Amartya Mukherjee, a Bangalore-based chartered accountant, is an award-winning photographer and a regularly published writer, whose initial grounding in image-making was in the pictorial and street photography genre of Kolkata. Subsequently, with the move to the digital medium just over a decade ago, he ventured into extensive outdoor photography, with a focus on natural history. In the course of visiting over 25 countries with his camera, he has explored several of the iconic wildernesses of Asia, Africa and the Arctic.

Amartya’s photographic work has been awarded multiple times in various contests in India and abroad and his images and articles have been regularly featured over 50 times in leading global and Indian publications/ websites. Through his creative work, Amartya strives to engender a love and awareness for our planet’s wonderful natural and cultural heritages, some of which alas are fast disappearing.