Top Level Accountability
It is important to note that each party within the value chain plays a key role in the success of this illicit trade. Although they play an extremely important role on the ground, local rangers and conservation organisations alone will not make the ultimate difference; it is addressing the entire organised crime syndicate. We must do what we can to protect the species from poachers and their informants, but what needs to be addressed is the root problem – from the source of the demand to organised crime syndicates. Afterall, it is the demand that ultimately finances the entire operation.
Even with access to more reliable and accurate information, awareness campaigns and education, there is no simple overnight solution to change the perceptions of the end consumers; cultural and traditional beliefs will still linger on for a generation or two. Unfortunately, the species do not have this time. The average rate at which the rhinos are being slaughtered over the last decade is clearly unsustainable. With continued poaching rates, combined with destruction of habitat and climate change, it would not be surprising if only a few hundred rhinos are left in a decade, if that.
Whilst there is much to do in stopping poachers, educating local communities and attempting to break aged beliefs, the key stakeholder that has the power to severely disrupt this value chain is the government – both African and East Asian governments. Although there is a world-wide ban on poaching and illicit trafficking, it is clear the systems in place are not working – probably deliberately. It is easy to label this as corruption and this word tends to be thrown around a lot, generalising that the entire government is this way, especially in Africa. In fact, it is likely a few individuals that have found a loophole that they can take advantage of for financial gain and power. The people at the top have the power and ability to create change – but they have to want to. The leaders of the China and Vietnam governments could make a huge impact with very little resource and financial investment to clamp down corrupt custom officials, underground retailers, enforce bans and hefty fines, as well as implement accessible information and educational resources.